Private Virtual Evaluation

Fearful Dogs

Over 20% of domestic dogs suffer from persistent, unsupportable fears, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and phobias. 

  • ​Does your dog become extremely anxious when it is left by itself (separation anxiety)? Do you find your dog clinging to you and following your every move when you are home?
  • ​Does your dog respond fearfully to thunderstorms, loud man-made noises such as fireworks, construction work, and sirens, or is every trip in the car a traumatic event?
  • D​oes your dog exhibit symptoms of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Some of the symptoms include, tail chasing, continual licking of the paws or other bodily areas until they are raw and bleeding, prolonged mouthing and sucking on pillows and cushions, and perpetual whining.

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, schedule a private evaluation with Bryan. Your dog can have a better quality of life without suffering from unwarranted fears.

Aggressive Dogs

Are you currently dealing with a dog that has recently attacked, or attempted to attack, a family member, a visitor to your home, or another dog?

Dog aggression is the number one reason why dogs are re-homed or euthanized in America.

Dog attack cases to humans and dogs are the result of competitive aggression (food or object acquisition or defense), or non-competitive aggression (territorial or self-defense). There are many causes of competitive aggression, but typically, it is rooted in bad decision making on the part of the dog owner and a lack of proper training. Self-defense aggression, however, often finds its beginning in the dog’s genetics which predisposes it, as it matures, to develop an unwarranted fear of humans and dogs outside the family. When this type of dog encounters a perceived threat, it frequently uses aggression, rather than flight, as a defense.

Regardless of which form of aggression used, if your dog is successful in its use, it will repeat the behavior in the future. Eventually, continued success will make aggression the “go to” behavior for your dog in conflict resolution, making it a danger to your family, friends, strangers, and other dogs.

The good news is, there are proven behavioral adjustment plans and medications, which can help your dog achieve a safer and happier life free of unwarranted fears and perceived threats. 


Bryan is a nationally-recognized, award-winning author, dog aggression expert, and canine pharmacotherapy behaviorist. He is a CBCC-KA nationally certified Master Trainer with over 40 years of education and experience. Bryan is one of the world's leading animal behaviorists whose advice and services are sought by veterinarians, psychologists, celebrities, and dog lovers worldwide. His daily live videos are followed by over 120,000 dog lovers on social media.  

Not only is Bryan a nationally renowned dog obedience trainer, but he is a master at understanding what gives cause to maladaptive conditions in dogs and how to blend modern medicine with behavior modification to rehabilitate fearful and aggressive dogs. 

Raised in Fairbanks, Alaska, Bryan has spent years studying the natural mechanisms that govern the many uses of aggression by wolves and how those same intrinsic mechanisms continue to influence the behavior of modern dogs and why they attack humans. Utilizing what he has learned, Bryan educates thousands of dog owners each year on the causes of dog aggression and how they can prevent from becoming a victim of it. By doing so, he has been credited with saving hundreds of lives.

Schedule Your Private Evaluation Now

There are 4 steps you will follow when you schedule a private training consultation with Bryan.

Private Evaluations are $300. We do not offer refunds for private consults. We gladly will offer the ability to reschedule if you need to change your appointment day and time.

STEP 1: Make Your Payment

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